
Payment enablement and processing

A range of solutions to streamline payments and presentment

Payment enablement and processing capabilities

XBP Europe’s solution will transform your accounts receivable (AR) and accounts payable (AP). Discover the range of payment and presentment services on offer.

Payment enablement

A flexible solution for fast, effective payments are provided, in any currency and in a way that’s compatible with numerous payment options.

Document processing

Aggregate, enhance, summarise and route your documents for real-time business intelligence with WKC software.

Enhanced billing & ePresentment

Content optimisation services improve billing and statement design to create clear messaging, data presentation, and an enhanced customer experience.

Integrated receivables

Coordinate every stage of the payment receivables system from intake, processing, and reconciliation, to exceptions management.

Reduce admin costs

Understand the accounts payable (AP) process to reduce administrative costs, improve cash flow, and tap into dynamic discounting opportunities.

Better predictability

Data gathered during payment processing is securely stored. It can be analysed to spot trends and improve cash flow predictability.


Backed up with decades of finance and accounting experience, our payment enablement solutions will simplify and streamline your operations.

From optimised billing, statements, and ePresentment solutions, to accounts payable (AP) and accounts receivable (AR) workflow efficiencies, XBP Europe has the expertise to take your payment operations to the next level.

Enhanced capacity to ensure fast, frictionless payments will have a range of benefits for both customer service and cash flow.

2 .5%

Increase in match rate

One of our clients gained an impressive 2.5% increase in “match rate,” for automated matching of payments to customer accounts.

icon papers

A platform to support collaboration between buyers, suppliers, and financial institutions

Smart, automated tools are employed to help identify and flag ageing accounts

Collection services add the final layer to a complete accounts receivable process

ePresentment options help to drive ROI and improve cash flow within the client base

Save time and reduce the risk of manual error with automation in key processes

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