

A great night at the Pay360 awards

Date: October 5, 2023
Author: Adam Smith
Reading time: 2min

It was with great excitement that we joined our industry peers as finalists at the Pay360 awards yesterday. Our nomination was for a solution in the category of “Best Use of Payments Data or AI in Financial Services.” This achievement is a strong reflection of our experience and expertise in seamless bills and payments processes. 

Our warm congratulations to Banking Circle, who won the prize!

The dinner table was full with our team mates from London and beyond, who gathered to attend the awards ceremony. The food and organisation at the event were impeccable. Part of our presence there was as an event sponsor, so our logo was in full display throughout the venue. The awards ceremony was glamorous, and host Alexander Armstrong kept everyone entertained and informed. Renowned Author and Speaker, Chris Skinner was also present. He took away a lifetime achievement award.

Our mission is to enable seamless bills and payments processes via supports such as document digitisation, workflow automation, or intelligent transactions. This nomination underscores our commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI and data analytics to optimise payment processes and enhance business operations. The fact that we were selected as a finalist by a panel of judges speaks volumes about the quality and impact of our solutions.

XBP Europe’s focus on delivering solutions that enhance liquidity for customers is particularly relevant in today’s financial landscape, where seamless and efficient transactions are paramount. The blend of technology and human expertise to support bill processing, payments, workflow automation, and intelligent document processing aligns well with the industry’s needs and demands.

Today, we return to work after a wonderful evening. Until the next event!

This occurred when the company was Exela Technologies.


Adam Smith

Website content writer

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